I hope that everyone enjoyed their Christmas. We had a lot of fun over here too, well mostly. We woke up at 5:45 am and had to go pick daddy up from work, then we came home and opened our presents! Tessalee loved it, and couldn't wait to share her toys with all of her friends (which also had me come up with an idea that she needs something where she see's other little girls on a regular basis, so I think she will be starting a dance class next week!).
We then went to GG's to see family, which is always fun for us. Following that, straight to Grandma Dianna's, then, we went to the theater to see the new Narnia; it was good! Straight from there, to my aunt and uncles house... which started out pretty good and ended not so good. We had a busy day for sure, but family time is always so wonderful, so we wouldn't have changed it. Although, little princess over here likes to bring some attention to herself. Right after getting to my aunts, she fells on the hardwood floor, busting her lip. We all ate and moved on, and then, of course, she ate a penny that she had found on their floor. So, that called for the ER. We were there for a little over 5 hours because it took that long for the penny to get into her stomach! Poor little girl. Overall though, we had a good Christmas Day!
Happy New Years!!
I love all of my family, and I am so grateful :)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 19, 2010
I love Christmas time, and I am enjoying it even more now that I am on break (Got an A, A, A-, and a B+ wohoo!!!). Last week we made sugar cookies, and I have to say that for being my first batch of sugar cookies, they turned out great!!!
We have been planning on going to see some Christmas lights soon, but things keep changing so we will get into those later this week!!
I am loving this Christmas with Tessalee. She is having so much fun, and the joy that she expresses makes me such a happy mom!!! I love to see her face light up and I love talking to her about Santa and the like.
Today we went and took pictures with Santa. Tessalee wouldn't look him in the eye, and she was the first of the family we had with us to go. After everyone else was done taking pictures and we started to walk away, she ran back and gave him a huge hug and plopped back on his lap for some pictures with smiles! It melted my heart :) I can't wait to see her on Christmas morning and to spend some time with our families.
Well, Merry Christmas!!
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 8, 2010
Tessalee loved Halloween. She enjoyed dressing up and knocking on the doors, and I mean, she HAD to knock on the door, no one else could. Of course, she won't eat the candy though, because she says that it's bad for her. What a sweetie.
Oh, and I think that I now have a potty trained little girl!!! YAAAAY!!!!!
Thanksgiving!!! I am so in the mood for fall and winter. My Christmas tree is up, and I love baking 'fall' goodies. At church they were talking about making a video for what we are thankful for this year. My eyes instantly teared up. I am grateful to have my husband home this year for Thanksgiving. I remember last year, pulling into the driveway at 6:55 knowing that the latest that Tycen would call would be 7:00. I just sat in the garage, and 7:00 came and past. I didn't hear from him until that Sunday. This year, I am just so thankful that I can have him, especially knowing that next year, I don't get that luxury. Family time means so much more to me now.
Tessalee on the Tidal Wave at Lagoon. She really did love it and wanted to go on again after we got off.
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 8:58 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Birthday Girl!
Baby turned 3 today!!! Oh my goodness was she so excited to get a hold of her birthday cake!!! (Yes in this picture it was quite a messy cake) Yesterday we went to a corn maze, a pumpkin patch, and 'the beach/salt lake'. Today Mammy and Papa came over for a little bit for cake, and then we took Tessalee to McDonald's to play. On Friday, my parents invited us to Lagoon! Yay!!! When I asked her if she had a fun day, she said, "Oh. Of course!" However, whenever anyone called and sang the Happy Birthday song, she would interrupt them telling them to 'SSSHH.' She demands that the birthday song only be sung when she has cake and candles in front of her! What a sweetie and what a good day :)
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 9:00 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 17, 2010
3 years down
I cannot believe that my baby girl turns 3 on Tuesday. It is crazy how much life changes over the years. Three years ago I was a 16 year old teen wondering what kind of mother I would be, and if things would work as I wanted them to. Today I look at Tessalee and I am amazed at how blessed I truly am. She never ceases to amaze me. She is my pride and joy. I can't believe how big she has grown, and how smart she she has become. Happy Birthday week to my princess!!!!
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 9:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 20, 2010
Oh boy!
Okay.... I was too lazy to do this with a whole other window, so I ended up just making one for Tessalee's room that looks like this. It was more than a pain. One of the glass panels broke, so I had to make cardboard to fix it, then I cut the paper to go on the cardboard too small, so I had to make another trip to the store for more paper. What I need to know now... is it cute? I haven't actually stuck on the pictures yet, because I'm not positive. I will probably add some cute embellishments. Oh and in case you are wondering, the lime green and pink and that crazy blue does all match her bedding, the blue wasn't just a whim.
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 4:23 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 19, 2010
We are planning a MOVE!!!!
So, about 2 weeks ago we applied for an apartment, we are still waiting to hear back, but if all goes well... we will be in a new home by October 1st! We are stoked to have our first place, and it's just the perfect size for us. Lately I have been packing (yes I know, getting a head start), going to school, doing homework, and cleaning out our drawers. I didn't know how much junk we find and actually keep over the years. I mean... how many McDonald's toys does a child actually need?
Oh... and I started on painting the other 2 windows, can't wait until they are done. I have a plan, and we will see if it works!
Other than that, we are just so happy to get started on our own. We are all set for a new home. We have all of the furniture and accessories that we could possibly need, just need some groceries! What a way to start out! I will write as soon as we have the "approved" go ahead!
Love you all... Oh, and what would a post be without a darn cute picture?
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 4:51 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 23, 2010
So, I have had these windows sitting in our garage for 2 months now. Tycen finally encouraged me to do something!! So, this is my first project that I made for our house...
After the first coat of Paint
Giving it the 'edge'
Now, what to do with the 3 other windows in the garage? Maybe I will make 2 of them picture frames, maybe not.
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 4:27 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Oh has it been a good summer!
This summer has gone by too quick. Suddenly, I am buying new textbooks, and making sure everything is all set for school. I enjoyed taking the summer off from school, but I don't think that I can handle any more long days with nothing to do. I have also loved having my husband home. We have been married for about 9 1/2 months now, and this is the longest that he has been home so far. He has been home for almost 2 months!
Tessalee has been in and out of potty training. One day she does okay with hardly any accidents, and the next day she says she wants to be a baby. I feel one day soon that it will just click! She is trying so hard to be like her cousins Hinckley and Haddie, big girls, but she says "Mom, I just can't do it."
This summer, we have been to the aquarium, been to the zoo, went to the park, and yes... my husband did come home and clean the car for me!! I am just happy that we can spend this summer together.
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 7:11 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Catching up a little...
Well, as everyone knows, TYCEN IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!! For good... for awhile. All has been going well. We are just trying to get back into the hang of things, though, were we ever in the hang of things before he left to begin with since we only had 2 weeks between getting married, and his training start date to start our lives? Well, now it's really time to start our lives! Hopefully, this summer (or fall I guess if it has to be), we will find a place to call our home. Summer so far has been going too fast, but we are savoring every moment. Tessalee is so happy to have her daddy home, she is always telling people that he is here. What a sweet heart she can be.
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 6:31 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
WOW! Has it really been almost 20 days since I have posted? We have been busy. The semester is coming to an end... next week I have my finals. Tessalee has been quite the busy little girl too. She has been talking up a storm, and causing a lot of trouble, but that's to be expected right? Anyways, other than school and playing out in the nice weather, not much has been going on expect for waiting on Tycen! Almost 6 weeks out now... and we couldn't be more anxious. I think that it's time to have our family back together now! Oh, and guess what? I got the cutest tutu in the world! Yellow ribbons "until they all come home."
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 9:02 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 9, 2010
Bribery can be a good thing.
After 2 years of sleeping in mommy's bed... it really is past the time! So, I bribed Tessalee with ice cream to sleep in her bed. Can you say success? Of course, she didn't stay in there all night, but it's a start.
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter has come and gone. It has been a long and stressful day. Started out with the Easter egg hunt in the morning, where Tessalee busted her lip when she was running around before the hunt. Poor little girl. Went to church, where she fell backwards on her head, little girl has had a tough day! Of course though, she enjoyed ALL of her chocolate, and I am afraid my diet will have to wait a little while longer so that the chocolate doesn't go to waste :) We got to talk to Tycen for awhile too on the computer; that was our highlight of the day.
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 6:42 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Spring Weather!
Today, Tessalee got to take out her wagon that she got for the Christmas. She had been dying to take it outside for months, and now the weather finally let up! She had a blast. Tycen got 20 stitches today too from falling on a sidewalk when playing in sports, but he's still going and is doing awesome!
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 8:18 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
Today Tessalee and I went in for our dentist appointment. She watched me get my teeth cleaned, and couldn't wait to get into the chair after me! She was scared of the light at first, but she learned to love being there. All checked out good, but she has to get the middle of her gums cut in a few years because of the space! Just glad that she's not scared of the dentist. She also, of course, picked out the pink and yellow toothbrush, and the 'super cool in the now' sunglasses! What a sweetie...
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 12:40 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
A new week
One week closer until the family can reunite! About 14 weeks and some odd days left. We should find out tonight what Tycen's actual graduation date is. Well, tests of mine are taken care of, nothing left before spring break!!! That would be ALL of next week. Can't wait to catch a break and 'spring clean' our stuff so that we will be ready for a move when Tycen gets home!to He passed the classroom part of his training, and moved into the hanger for classes this week!! It's all coming along! Everything is going great, but we can't wait for it all to be done. Oh, and today my mom made a cake. Tessalee demanded that it was her birthday cake, so we pretended that it was and gave her candles and all :) No harm done!
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 6:18 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 27, 2010
***GiRlS nIgHt!***
Yesterday, the girls and I all went out for sushi. Some laughs, and yes, some cries too! I was the one who cried! Not sure if it was because I was laughing so hard, or if it was just plain gross, either way, I had tears streaming. Great night for sure. I love you all! Here are all of the pictures. Enjoy... Don't miss the close up on Trulee on the 3rd picture down... the picture keeps making me smile!
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 7:43 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Earlier this week, Tycen and I got our first webcam date! Today, Tessalee got to see daddy on the webcam too! She loved it! She was full of smiles and "hi daddy." Oh, and of course, Colton had to get in on the fun too! Tessa has done very well with daddy being gone! We just can't wait to have him back home.
Posted by Shelby-Sue at 12:41 PM 1 comments