Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Birthday Girl!

Baby turned 3 today!!! Oh my goodness was she so excited to get a hold of her birthday cake!!! (Yes in this picture it was quite a messy cake) Yesterday we went to a corn maze, a pumpkin patch, and 'the beach/salt lake'. Today Mammy and Papa came over for a little bit for cake, and then we took Tessalee to McDonald's to play. On Friday, my parents invited us to Lagoon! Yay!!! When I asked her if she had a fun day, she said, "Oh. Of course!" However, whenever anyone called and sang the Happy Birthday song, she would interrupt them telling them to 'SSSHH.' She demands that the birthday song only be sung when she has cake and candles in front of her! What a sweetie and what a good day :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

3 years down

I cannot believe that my baby girl turns 3 on Tuesday. It is crazy how much life changes over the years. Three years ago I was a 16 year old teen wondering what kind of mother I would be, and if things would work as I wanted them to. Today I look at Tessalee and I am amazed at how blessed I truly am. She never ceases to amaze me. She is my pride and joy. I can't believe how big she has grown, and how smart she she has become. Happy Birthday week to my princess!!!!