Monday, August 23, 2010

So, I have had these windows sitting in our garage for 2 months now. Tycen finally encouraged me to do something!! So, this is my first project that I made for our house...

After the first coat of Paint
Giving it the 'edge'
Now, what to do with the 3 other windows in the garage? Maybe I will make 2 of them picture frames, maybe not.


Anonymous said...

SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! With that on it! That is so cute! Get out here to davis county so we can be crafty together! PS..Is it back to school for you today? Good Luck!

The Pedersen Haus said...

Those are FETCHING cute! I think you should definately do frames with the other ones.

Trulee said...

SO CUTE! What a creative lady you are. Now, what would you like to make for me? J/K, but seriously, can't wait to see what's in store for the other 2 windows!