Sunday, December 19, 2010


I love Christmas time, and I am enjoying it even more now that I am on break (Got an A, A, A-, and a B+ wohoo!!!). Last week we made sugar cookies, and I have to say that for being my first batch of sugar cookies, they turned out great!!!

We have been planning on going to see some Christmas lights soon, but things keep changing so we will get into those later this week!!

I am loving this Christmas with Tessalee. She is having so much fun, and the joy that she expresses makes me such a happy mom!!! I love to see her face light up and I love talking to her about Santa and the like.

Today we went and took pictures with Santa. Tessalee wouldn't look him in the eye, and she was the first of the family we had with us to go. After everyone else was done taking pictures and we started to walk away, she ran back and gave him a huge hug and plopped back on his lap for some pictures with smiles! It melted my heart :) I can't wait to see her on Christmas morning and to spend some time with our families.

Well, Merry Christmas!!